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日本のテレビ局でグラフィックデザイナーとして活動後、自身の表現の幅を拡げるため渡米。ニューヨークのParsons The New School for Designでドローイングを習得。技術はもちろんのこと個性を大切にするニューヨークアートに衝撃を受け、その後は独自のスタイルでデザインを展開していくためフリーランスとして活動。二児の母。
Eri Fujino
I was born in Nagano, Japan. SUMIE artist.
I had worked in TV studio as a Graphic Designer and then I went to New York to extend my representation. I took a drawing class at Parsons The New School for Design. When I studied there, I got surprise from New York Arts which cherish technique and also own individually. After I came back to Japan, I work as a freelance for expanding my style. I have two Children.
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